Something Familiar (The Vandran Legacy Book 2) Read online

Page 18

  He attempted to channel his magic to rid himself of this irritating female. It was useless, whoever had captured him had put a block on his magic.

  The snort from the woman with white hair made him look up at her, his eyebrows raised at the audacity of this creature. She was trying his patience with her lack of respect for his authority. Taking in her delicate features and platinum locks, he had to admit she was beautiful; her attire was impeccable although it was strange to see a woman dressed in trousers. The way the fabric hugged her slim figure appealed to him favourably, maybe he wouldn’t kill her after all. Her stunning aqua eyes stared him down, challenging him. She was a strong Cailleach, he could sense the magic flowing though her as it looked like it was taking everything in her not to use some on him.

  “I knew once you decided to make an appearance you would be an arrogant arsehole, but you are important to our cause so I will let your arrogance go for now… Oh, I have taken the pleasure of giving you a little something to hold your magic at bay until we can figure out how to get our Dominic back out here, you see, some of your little twisted followers have taken my daughter… Oh yes, and for your information she is also pregnant with your child.”

  His head shot up and he watched her from under his palms which were still rubbing at his aching head; he was unable to hide the shock in his eyes as she carried on talking.

  “She is a Vandran and she belongs to you, heart and soul.”

  “Annabelle?” Hope filled him, had he fulfilled his purpose? Had Annabelle been reborn again and was finally his?”

  The shake of the head made his heart sink and his anger begin to surface.

  “Her name is Amelia, she is a familiar, a Panthera Tigris and you worship the gr—”

  “NO! Lies, you deceive me, wench. I, the great Dominus, would never settle for a mere familiar, they are mine to control not take as a bride or the mother of my children. Vandran or not, she is just an inconvenience in the way of my true path.” The loud huff that was produced by the woman was unladylike.

  “Well, if you haven’t noticed, it’s not the seventeen hundreds anymore, and unlucky for you your reincarnated self just so happened to grow into a decent person, despite his sick bastard of a father trying to brainwash him. He fell hard for my Amelia so you’re just going to have to get over it.”

  Did this woman not realise who she was talking to? The outrage must have been apparent on his face, she had the audacity to start laughing.

  “It’s not that bad, trust me, just wait until you see her, I bet even the great Dominus will go weak at the knees when he meets my Amelia.”

  “I will be the judge of that,” he growled, earning another fit of laughter from this woman. One of the men who was in the metal container with him earlier entered the room, looking flustered as he glanced upon him and the woman who was currently cackling away at him.

  “Patrick’s healed and talking, he knows where Will has taken Amelia. Dominic, we’ll get her back, I promise you.”

  “As soon as my magic is returned, you will all suffer for your disrespect. If what this woman has just told me is true about this Amelia and the spawn growing inside her, then rest assured her death will come as a blessing, I want no part of her or the illegitimate bastard child even if it is mine.”

  Why did saying those words make him feel guilty? He didn’t do guilt.

  The sharp sting across his face came hard and fast from the white-haired woman, whose face was no longer as soft as it had been before; the redness within her eyes was a warning he had touched a nerve. Good. These people needed to realise whoever he had been before was long gone and his patience was wearing thin being held against his will by these imbeciles. Whoever this Amelia was, even the mention of her name brought to life something inside him, something he thought he would never feel again after finding out about Annabelle’s betrayal. He was starting to think she actually might mean a great deal to him, he was not going to admit the stirring in his gut to these people though, he was Dominus and this Amelia was a mere familiar, he would bring disgrace to the Bellator name if he even considered taking her as his bride.

  “How dare you speak of my daughter and grandchild in that way? You are lucky she loves you so much or I would turn your insides out, the only fucking bastard here is you.”

  He almost started laughing himself at the scorn in her voice. He smiled slyly at her.

  “Hit me again, wench, and we’ll soon see who is better at following through with their threats.”

  “Right, enough of this, Heather, Colt asked if you could contact Fredrick, he might know a way of snapping Dominic out of this.”

  She was still glaring at him as she abruptly nodded, turning and storming from the room. He averted his eyes to the man still talking, his attention now directed at him.

  “Dominus, is that what you want to be called now? We need you to come with us, if you can’t play nice we’ll have no option but to restrain you, my friend, and trust me, the last thing you want is to piss off an already angry group of powerful familiars.” My friend? Were they friends?

  “I will come with you willingly, but only because I know once I am reunited with my men and my magic is returned you won’t stand a chance against me and my followers. I can’t wait to watch all of you bleed.”

  The amusement in the man’s face was infuriating, he was used to people falling to their knees for his acceptance.

  “Whatever you say, Your Holiness. Right, come on then, time to go.”

  The lack of a suitable reaction from his threat was sobering; these idiots really weren’t aware of what he was capable of, and judging by the bored look on this man’s face they didn’t really care either. Maybe he was underestimating them, or what they were saying was true, they were allies. Either way wherever they were going, he could sense there was trouble waiting on the other end of this journey.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Emmie paced the length of the room and back again. What was taking Will so long? She was sure he would be here by now. She had to get out of here but calling on her beast was useless, whatever they had drugged her with had weakened her connection to both her sister and her beast. She would have to fight her way out of here the old-fashioned way; she was so much stronger now than she had been when they were married, she had to get out and help Jake. The alternative turned her blood cold. Guilt gnawed at her insides; Jake was probably being tortured and having God knows what inflicted on him and it was all her fault. Why did she have to be so stupid and run into everything head first? Now she owed it to Jake to at least try and get them both out of here.

  The rattling of the key in the lock made her stop dead. Her wide eyes were glued to the door. He was here, and all of the pep talk she had given herself about being stronger and fighting was forgotten about as the fear began to rise from the depths of her gut.

  The handle was pushed down slowly, as if he knew dragging it out was torturing her. Will walked in and closed the door; a smug smile was spread across his face. He wasted no time descending on her, grabbing her roughly by her wrists as he dragged her into his arms, slamming her into the closest wall, his mouth seeking hers.

  “I have missed fucking this pretty mouth,” he growled.

  She fought against the bile rising at his vulgar words. He kissed her with force, his mouth rough against her chapped lips; he either didn’t notice or didn’t care about her lack of reciprocation as his tongue drew circles around the inside of her mouth. She moaned in protest at his assault but that spared him on; his erection pressed into her hip as he rubbed it against her, making her all the more alert of what he was intending to do. She had to do something, she would rather die than allow this sick bastard to ever fuck her again. Aware of how compromised he was in this position she acted quickly, raising her knee hard, feeling satisfied as she connected with his balls.

  The noise that left him was one of sheer agony mixed with shock as he doubled over holding his genitals. Emmie took the oppo
rtunity to pull open the unlocked door and make her escape, not looking back as she rushed down a dimly lit corridor passing empty offices.

  Where the hell was she?

  “Fucking whore, just wait until I get my hands on you!” Will bellowed as his feet began pounding against the floor, giving chase.

  She turned a corner flying past more empty offices; she contemplated hiding inside one of them. As she rounded another corner she noticed a lift. She dived towards it, frantically pressing the call button while looking around for the entrance to the stairs or another way out. Her breath was ragged, and she felt like vomiting, but she knew she had to keep fighting. She spotted the staircase just as the lift doors opened – a split-second decision had her throwing herself into the small space frantically pressing the ‘close door’ button on the keypad. Just as the doors were almost closed Will’s hand appeared, prizing the doors open; his face was red and screwed up with ferocious rage.

  Gripping her hair, he dragged her out of the lift and launched her body across the corridor. She hit the floor hard, landing on her front. Pain like nothing she had ever felt before travelled through her abdomen, taking her breath away. She screamed in agony. Tears spilled from her eyes as she rolled over, pulling herself up, wincing as she wrapped her arms protectively around her still-flat stomach. Will’s big booted foot connected with her face, sending her back to the floor. She tasted blood, feeling the swelling starting in her left cheek. Kick after kick came, some to her arms and back, every blow harder than the last. One of her arms was protecting her head while the other was wrapped around her abdomen.

  “Will, please stop, I’m pregnant, the baby…” she pleaded, hoping it would make him think twice about hurting her anymore, although she knew from the excruciating pains in her stomach, her baby was already in trouble. She was wrong, he swung his foot backward and kicked at her stomach.

  “You’re mine, Emmie, do you understand? You are fucking mine, I’ll teach you for betraying me and letting that dirty warlock put his filthy seed in you.” The sinister tone was enough for her to know her beating wasn’t over as he dragged her by her hair back down the corridor. She knew she had made the biggest mistake trying to escape; tears of anguish fell as she begged her unborn child to forgive her carelessness with both of their lives.

  I’m so sorry little one, someone please help me.


  He was standing in front of a giant grey building after descending from that metal container with wheels; an old man was kneeling at his feet looking up at him in awe.

  “Oh great Master, I knew you would return to us, I have been a loyal servant to your cause for most of my life.”

  That Heather woman had said this Fredrick could help them, and he was already bored of this pitiful grovelling.

  “If you have been such a good follower to the Domini Bellatorum, why did you allow me to become so deeply involved with a mere familiar? You should have known it’s against my very principles, I should kill you for treachery.” The old man’s face paled.

  “Y-you pursued Mrs Stewart, Master, you threatened me when I tried to stop you, you asked that Heather woman to take over from me. You are aware the woman you have relations with is a Vandran?”

  “I am indeed. If you are loyal to my cause, I shall require you to now use your magic to restore mine, if I am to regain my place within this world I need my magic returned at once—”

  “Sorry, Mr Arrogant face, not going to happen. Freddy here tries to interfere at all with your magic, I’ll turn him into a pile of guts, comprende?”

  Heather’s sudden appearance made Fredrick flinch, he was impressed by this female and her ability to make grown men soil themselves.

  “Whose offices are these, Fredrick?” Heather asked, standing next to him.

  “They are old Bellator finance offices, Mr Bellator Senior saw over the running of them, they haven’t been in use for a long time.”

  “Well Fredrico, it appears that little Miss Juliet was using them for her own little Domini Bellatorum get-togethers. What? Don’t look at me like that. Poor little Freddy Weddy, are you sad she didn’t invite you?”

  The gravel crunching from Colt, Joe and Terrance’s boots brought them back to the reason they were there. Colt looked annoyed.

  “Enough fucking arguing amongst yourselves, Emmie and Jake need us, let’s find a way into this building.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Her body was in agony from the beating Will had just given her, she lay on the floor scared to move in case he came back and started hitting her again; she couldn’t take anymore.

  He had been ruthless and cruel, even in their most heated arguments he had never even so much as raised his hand to her. The darkness in his eyes was an indication of the monster he had become when they had brought him back from the dead. The love she had once seen was replaced by anger and hatred; she knew if she didn’t get out of here soon, he would be back to finish the job.

  The warm liquid soaking her pyjamas was evidence enough of the devastation he was set out to cause, and this was heart wrenchingly bad.

  More tears ran down her face as she sobbed quietly for her unborn child, knowing she would never get to hold it in her arms, he had taken that away from them. That thought made the sobs become more aggressive and wrack through her tortured body. Will had left after the brutal beating, screaming something about putting out the rubbish; her heart broke a little more at what that implied for Jake, she was useless to him in this state.

  She could feel her beast growing gradually stronger, so she knew her connection with her sister should be strong enough to try and channel her.

  She tried to sit up but the pain that ripped through her was too intense, she just lay there contemplating death. Fresh tears spilled from the corner of her eyes. She closed her eyes and channelled her thoughts, trying to focus on the connection with her sister; it was weak but there was something, a very slight buzzing echoed through her head. Using everything in her she prayed Clara would hear her.

  “Help me, Clara, help me please,” she begged over and over. Relief filled her as a familiar voice sounded out of the crackling noise.

  “…I am coming for you, Emmie, please hold on.” Clara’s voice was faint and sounded far away but it was there.

  She was coming, she knew Clara would do everything to get her out.

  Was Dominic back? If he was didn’t that mean Clara would be in danger? That thought made the fight within her return.

  She attempted to pull herself up again, so she could drag her battered body to the bed. She needed to sit up and try to awaken her beast. More warmth soaked her thighs and left smears of crimson blood across the floor as she moved; she would need to go to hospital soon, she was losing a lot of blood. This wasn’t normal, it was a possibility Will had ruptured something inside of her when he killed her baby.

  The thought of her child lying dead inside her ripped a strangled cry out of her. Once she could call on her beast Will would suffer, she would make sure he knew exactly what pain was.

  Dominic, I need you.


  Another fist landed against his ribcage, the area was now numb from the amount of times he had been pummelled in the same spot.

  This fucker wasn’t going to break him no matter what he did to him, he wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. Kate stood in the corner of the room watching him take the worst beating of his life, not an inch of remorse on her face. Ha, like he expected her to actually give a shit. He was punched in his jaw, the force snapping his head back; the fucker actually made it count this time, he tasted blood. The connection rattled him slightly and he winced inwardly, trying not to show the pain he was in, and he was in the worst pain he had ever felt, but he wouldn’t show weakness. Colt had taught him to never let your opponent know they are beating you, but his whole body throbbed.

  Suddenly loud voices from outside the door pulled the guy away, giving Jake a minute to prepare for the next
blows to come.

  The noise outside was growing more panicked and he was sure – he – no, was that snarling he could hear? Colt? Kate’s cool demeanour slipped, and she grabbed the arm of the guy who had just been laying into him.

  “What’s going on?” she demanded.

  The guy back handed her, sending her flying across the floor.

  “Keep your fucking hands to yourself, bitch. Will might think you’re his little golden girl but I just think you’re a two-faced skank who can’t be trusted.”

  The shocked look on Kate’s face was priceless. Jake snorted with amusement, turning the guy’s attention to him again; his jaw was grabbed in a vice-like grip.

  “I’ll be back to finish this boy, I will beat your last breath out of you.”

  “Can’t wait,” Jake replied, meeting the guy’s steel glare with defiance. The guy turned and left the room.

  More snarling and bloodcurdling screaming sounded from outside the door; whoever was here was tearing through this place.

  He glared at Kate who was still sitting on the floor staring wide eyed at the door. He couldn’t resist winding her up now, the bitch deserved it.

  “I wonder where your boyfriend is now? Doesn’t look like he’s got any intention of coming for you, feels good to be left high and dry doesn’t it?”

  “He’ll come. He wouldn’t leave me. He was dealing with that Vandran bitch first.”

  “Whatever you say,” he sneered. Trying to get a rise from her was working a treat.

  “HE’LL FUCKING COME FOR ME, YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD, AND THEN YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS WILL BE SORRY!” she screamed, slapping his face before moving away to slide down the wall in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth, eyes tightly closed with her hands covering her ears.

  At that moment all he could think was, what the hell had processed him to ever think he could be with this woman? The ugliness inside her seeped out of her in waves; he had been a prized fool, choosing that over Sarah. Her outburst had the desired effect as the door was kicked in by a very angry-looking Terrance whose face turned to one of concern when he caught sight of who was in the room.