Something Familiar (The Vandran Legacy Book 2) Read online

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  “Mummy, Mummy, can I go to Aunty Iris’s to sleep please? She said I can if you say I’m allowed. She has gets coming an’ I wanna help.”

  She was jumping up and down, her beautiful dark curls bouncing. He watched as Emmie’s cheeks reddened and the affection shone from her at her daughter’s mispronunciation of the word ‘guests’.

  Dominic had missed having Hope around, he had grown attached in such a short space of time to the little girl and her funny characteristics; the child was addictive and the mansion had been too quiet without her little voice bossing the staff around.

  “If it’s OK with Aunty Iris, Princess, but you have to be extra good for her, OK? If there are guests staying you will have to make sure you do exactly what Aunty Iris asks.”

  He loved watching the relationship they had; Hope nodded enthusiastically, hanging onto her mother’s every word before taking off again to tell everyone who would listen about her great news.

  “I’ve missed her,” he said, expressing his thoughts aloud, earning him a surprised look from both Amelia and Heather.

  He met Amelia’s eyes and the air fizzed between them. He could lose himself in her big blue eyes, she was enchanting.

  They had unfinished business.

  Heather cleared her throat, making them both look at her.

  “Well it was nice seeing you again Dominic, you look like you have a few things to discuss with my daughter, so I’ll catch up with you later.” Heather took his hand and shook it firmly. She leant over, whispering something in Amelia’s ear that made her pale cheeks flush, before heading off towards a group of people talking at the bar.

  “Dominic I—”

  “Please don’t, Amelia, the apartment is yours… Listen, I know I am probably the last person you want to see but I have to ask, will you take a walk with me? I need to talk to you about something personal.” He felt nervous suddenly. She looked like she was contemplating her answer as her brows furrowed slightly.

  “Of course, Dominic, let me just make sure Iris knows where I am in case Hope needs me.”

  “I’ll wait here for you, don’t be long,” he said, regretting his demanding tone almost instantly. Why was he always so abrupt with her? Maybe it was because she made him nervous which was a completely new emotion to him. He was Dominic Bellator, he wasn’t shy about having a conversation with a beautiful woman, but Amelia was different, she pulled at something inside him that was foreign to him.

  He watched her as she moved across the room to Iris; the pink dress she was wearing hugged her exquisite curves in all the right places, it highlighted her perfect hourglass shape, the way her hips swayed as she walked drew his vision straight to her perfect derrière. He imagined squeezing the mounds as he fucked her, his cock strained against his suit pants. He was in serious trouble with this woman.


  As Emmie made her way across the hotel function room her heart was beating wildly. Her mind was racing with what Dominic wanted to talk about, she could feel his eyes watching her every move. The way he’d commanded her had added to the dampness between her legs that was caused from just being in his presence. She was surprised at her reaction to him as well, she must be off her game, usually she didn’t respond favourably to being ordered around and would normally bite back. If he could make her a quivering wreck just by using that deep, smooth, sexy voice on her, what would she be like if he touched her? She internally shuddered, tingles travelling to her lady parts at the thought of his hand on her body.

  She reached Iris who was busy colouring a picture with Hope; she was brilliant with her little girl and spoilt her rotten. Colt’s sister loved Hope so much, that was evident in the way she lit up whenever Hope spoke to her. Hope was just as besotted with her Aunty Iris.

  “Hey Iris. Hey Princess, are you being good?” Emmie asked, feeling guilty for pulling them away from their fun.

  “She’s perfect Emmie, she has just been telling me how excited she is to be moving here,” Iris said, smiling.

  “My new bedroom is going to be butterflies. Butterflies are for bigger girls and I am five soon,” Hope said, turning the page of her colouring book and starting a fresh masterpiece.

  “Are you? Ooh, well you’ll have to come to The Sanctuary for a teddy bear picnic in the woods for your birthday, we’ll have sandwiches and cake.”

  Hope grinned at Iris, her eyes as wide as saucers.

  “Hmm, I think that’s a good idea, Aunty Iris, can Jakey come too?”

  Hope had a soft spot for Jake and despite all of his grumbling, she suspected he enjoyed the attention Hope gave him.

  Iris smiled and nodded. “Of course, we couldn’t have a teddy bear’s picnic without him.”

  “I’m going to tell him!” Hope shouted and skipped off towards Jake who lifted her up as soon as she got to him, listening enthusiastically to what she was saying.

  “I think Kate has competition,” Iris said, laughing.

  “I think she might,” Emmie agreed, smiling.

  “Iris, are you OK if I leave Hope with you guys for ten minutes? I’ll just be outside in the gardens, Dominic wants to speak to me about something.” She chewed on her lip nervously.

  “Of course you can, darlin’. Hope is fine with us. Are you all right sweetheart? You look terrified,” Iris asked, frowning.

  “I’m OK, I am just not sure how to handle everything. I’ve never been with any other man but Will… The way Dominic looks at me I know there’s something between us, but with everything, you know…” Emmie said, feeling more vulnerable than she had in a long time. Iris had a way of making people open up to her and had been like a mum to Clara.

  “You’re a grown woman and you know whatever you decide that sister of yours will have your back one hundred percent. I say you only live once, lovely, and who’s to say he’s not your one? Lord knows if I had a shot with a man who looked like that I’d be on him like Seabiscuit,” Iris said, mock fanning herself.

  Emmie couldn’t control the hysterical belly laugh that left her.

  “Oh Iris, that’s the funniest thing ever,” she said, wiping at tears. “Thank you, you’ve definitely given me something to think about.”

  “My pleasure, lovely, now don’t leave him hanging and tell me everything tomorrow, when you come to pick up Hope.”

  “Thanks again, Iris,” she said, embracing her and kissing her cheek.

  The walk back to Dominic was intense, his eyes watched her every move. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from his.

  “Are you ready Amelia?” he asked, offering his hand.

  “I am,” she said, placing her small hand in his large one; it was like static flowing over her as their skin touched. She wondered if he felt it too. If he did, it didn’t show as he led her outside.

  They walked out into the gardens and around the back of the hotel. Dominic didn’t let go of her hand once. She took tiny glances at him, he seemed deep in thought.

  “Here’s fine, Dominic,” she said, abruptly stopping and releasing his hand when they got to a spot in the garden that looked secluded enough for their talk. “What did you—”

  He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her flush against him; his mouth took hers passionately. She surrendered, powerless to resist his sensual kiss, opening for him. He tasted of whisky and something that was entirely him. Their tongues danced together, she couldn’t suppress the small moan that escaped her. He nipped at her bottom lip, slowing the kiss down, before stepping away from her. She stared at him, wide eyed, not sure what to say. Her fingers touched her mouth. Her lips were still tingling from his kiss.

  “I have wanted to do that since the first night I saw you, Amelia,” he said, his voice husky.


  “I know you are unsure, because of the circumstances around our first encounter, but I want to change that uncertainty. Would you have dinner with me? Let me show you I am not the man everyone thinks I am.” She met his dark blue eyes, there was a storm in them like he was
trying to control himself from taking her again.

  “I think you are a gentleman and were very kind to me and Hope when we stayed with you, Dominic. But, what I did, how can you forgive that?” she asked, pulling away from him. She felt so conflicted about everything.

  He grabbed her hand and for a split second she thought she saw fear in his eyes at her withdrawal from him.

  “Juliet brought it on herself, as much as I loved her I know there was nothing that would have supressed her other than death. She was poisonous, Amelia, she was so caught up in my father’s bitterness she had blackened her own soul. I am just glad it was her and not you!” The conviction in his voice startled her.


  “Dominic, you don’t mean that,” she said, a little overwhelmed all of a sudden.

  “One thing you will learn about me is I don’t say anything I don’t mean, Amelia… I need to taste those perfect lips of yours again,” he said and pulled her against him, taking her mouth in another earth-shattering kiss.

  Chapter Three


  The feeling of finally getting to taste her wasn’t enough, he needed all of her. Her beautiful body was pressed against his and her hands were in his hair, pulling him into her, moulding herself to him. Her tongue danced with his.

  He was close to losing control and taking her in the middle of the lawn amongst the flowers.

  He broke the kiss. They were both breathing heavily.

  “We need to stop,” she said through her kiss-swollen lips. Her voice was husky and unconvincing, it took everything in him not to pull her back into his arms to kiss her again. She was like sweet nectar, a drug he couldn’t give up. Now he had tasted her sweetness for himself he was addicted.

  “Will you have dinner with me, Amelia? You can’t deny there’s something between us after that kiss, you are just as aroused as I am.” He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed the milky skin of her palm.

  “O-OK Dominic, you win, I can’t really refuse considering I will be living in an apartment that you own,” she said with a half-smile.

  He could tell his assault on her hands was affecting her.

  “I don’t own it, Amelia, it is yours, and as for joining me for dinner, I would just like your company for an evening, so we can become better acquainted with each other. If you refuse dinner, I will humbly accept your decline, but know that I will be greatly disappointed and sulk like a petulant child,” he said, turning her hand over and kissing the back of her fingers. He felt her tremble.

  Her eyes bore into his, he could see the need and inner turmoil in them as she made her decision.

  “You don’t play fair,” she whispered, her voice husky and lust filled.

  “On the contrary, Amelia, when it comes to me, you can have it all, there’s nothing fairer than that.” He dropped her hand and she smiled shyly.

  “I’ll have to get back, Hope will be leaving soon, and she’ll be upset if I don’t say goodbye.” She was retreating, he had said too much, he didn’t want to scare her off now he had her attention.

  “Very well, I’ll join you, I have the night off and this wedding suddenly became more appealing.”


  The next few hours went by in a blur. Jake’s speech was hysterical – her cheeks were hurting from laughing at his constant digs at Colt who looked amused at his nephew’s banter. Dominic was circulating around the guests, talking.

  It was surprising to see how sociable he was, he laughed and joked with other guests. His laugh was as deep and rich as his voice; she decided it was one of her favourite sounds. He had most of the women in the room lusting after him, not that she blamed them, and although he engaged them in chitchat the sexy glances he sent her way was a reminder of what he wanted from her. It amazed her how at ease he was in this setting given the circles he was used to.

  Heather had gotten the best for Clara and Colt. The hotel had been five stars, with all the lavishness that went with it, although Emmie had imagined this would still be less than what he was accustomed to, being as wealthy as he was. She felt guilty at the assumption that this wouldn’t be to his taste; she didn’t know him, so she shouldn’t automatically judge.

  Maybe getting to know the real Dominic wasn’t as scary as she had first imagined it would be, it could be quite fun.

  Hope had left a little while ago with Iris, very excited to be helping her aunty, so now child free for the evening she had taken full advantage of the situation and the free booze. The wine she’d had was going straight to her head, and probably the reason she was contemplating saying ‘fuck it’ and screwing the ass off the sexy-as-hell warlock who was parading around the room like some blond god.

  “You OK, Emmie?” Clara said, startling her from her dirty daydream. She hadn’t even seen her approach.

  “Hey beautiful girl, I am good, just thinking about how perfect this day has been.”

  “It’s been amazing, hasn’t it?” Clara stated.

  “It really has. Mum and Dad would be so proud of you, beautiful,” she said, blinking back tears. Clara’s eyes filled up and Emmie threw her arms around her.

  “I love you, baby sis,” she whispered into her beautiful auburn curls.

  “Ditto,” Clara replied and pulled away. “Enough of all the mushy stuff, you owe me a dance. Come on, let’s see if they have our song.”

  Clara jumped up and walked to the DJ to make her request. Emmie could feel eyes burning into her from across the room; she dared to meet them and blushed at the intensity that radiated from them.

  “Emmie, come here, he’s about to put our song on!” Clara shouted, hailing her over as Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now began playing. They both kicked their high heels off and started dancing around the floor, laughing hysterically at each other’s silly dance moves; it was just like they used to do when they were younger whenever their dad put on his Queen album.

  The song finished, and they embraced, unable to hide their sheer enjoyment in reliving their youth.

  “I forgot how much fun that was,” Emmie laughed.

  “I think we are the main attraction,” Clara said. All eyes were definitely on both of them.

  Colt walked over, laughing.

  “You’ve been holding out on me, beautiful,” he said, pulling Clara into a hug. “Emmie, you’ve got some serious moves,” he laughed, holding his hand up for a high five.

  “They only come out on special occasions,” she said, slapping his hand. “I couldn’t disappoint the bride, now could I?” She grinned, slipping her nude heels back on.

  “Looks like someone else enjoyed the show too,” Colt said, nodding towards an approaching Dominic.

  At that very moment Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud started. Colt and Clara started dancing close. Colt started mouthing the lyrics to his blushing bride. Shit.

  “Will you do me the honour of dancing with me, Amelia?” Dominic asked, holding out his hand, his gorgeous eyes burning into hers with longing. This was so surreal.

  “Sure,” she said, placing her palm against his, allowing him to pull her into him.

  “I’m impressed,” he said, his voice deep and husky. He led her expertly around the dancefloor. “Bohemian Rhapsody was always my favourite, but after seeing your performance I am reconsidering.”

  “You’re a Queen fan?” she asked, amused.

  “Does that surprise you?”

  “Not really, I just thought you would be more of a classical music kind of guy,” she said breathlessly as he pulled her even closer.

  “Well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me, Amelia, maybe you’ll let me show you,” he said in her ear. The sensation of his breath against her skin travelled to her core and soaked her already drenched panties; she had never been more turned on. She could feel the effect she was having on him against her stomach, so she knew he was just as affected.

  A few more glasses of wine and an hour later; she wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the sexual frustration that made h
er lead him through the foyer of the hotel to her room. All she knew was that she needed him, and nothing was going to get in the way of having him in her bed, she had to relieve the build-up of sexual tension between them. Just for tonight, she told herself, then she would forget all about him and get on with building a life for her and Hope. But for tonight she would give in to the hot temptation that was Dominic Bellator.


  He watched her intently from behind as she produced the key card from her pink clutch bag with shaking hands. He kissed her neck and nuzzled her ear, she melted against him, pushing her perfect derrière against his painfully hard erection. He took the key card from her hands and swiped it in the lock, turned her in his arms, pressing her against the door, kissing her mouth greedily. She tasted like wine and heaven. He pushed the door open and backed her in. She pushed at his suit jacket, he stripped out of it, not breaking the frenzied kiss. He could sense the eagerness in her as he made love to her mouth with his tongue. He broke the kiss and lifted her chin, they were both breathing heavily.

  “I need to do this slowly, Amelia, I have to savour you, you don’t know how long I have craved this moment.”

  “Me too,” she whispered and sought his lips again, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  He slowly released each of the buttons at the back of her dress and let the material slide to the floor. He stepped back, taking in the exquisite view before him. She was dressed in a white strapless lacy bra and matching panties; her pale skin was flawless and lit up by the glow of the moonlight through the open blinds.

  She unclipped her hair and stepped out of her dress still wearing her nude shoes. He had never seen anything so beautiful.

  “You are the most exquisite thing I have ever seen, Amelia, more than I ever imagined.” She met his hungry gaze a seductive smile pulled at the corners of her mouth.

  “You’re too dressed for this occasion,” she said, her voice husky and full of lust.