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Something Familiar (The Vandran Legacy Book 2) Page 20
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“I told you not to mess with me, Great Master Dominic. You poisoned my wife against me, but you will not take my daughter, Hope belongs to her blood father.”
Emmie snarled at him, she wanted nothing more than to pounce and tear his throat out, but they couldn’t risk Iris. Clara took a step towards Hope who looked terrified.
“Hope, baby, it’s going to be OK—”
“Don’t you dare speak to her, you stupid whore, if you had just stayed in that cave like you were supposed to none of this would have happened. Hope is fine with Daddy, aren’t you baby girl?”
Hope hiccupped and began to stand. “No Daddy, you’re a bad man.”
This caught Will off guard and made him take a step towards Hope; his grip on Iris slipped and Dominic took the opportunity to grab the animal.
“Ad conteram incantatores,” he chanted against her fur, releasing her from the spell before placing her behind them and turning back to Will.
“You’ve got nowhere to go now, Will, it’s over.”
Will started laughing hysterically before grabbing Hope.
“Oh, I think I’ve got everything I need right here,” he hissed.
Emmie lunged forward; seeing her daughter so scared was too much and she bared her teeth at him, snarling a warning from deep in her throat.
Big green eyes full of fear met hers; the fear wasn’t for the beast in front of her, it was for the man she was supposed to look up to as her protector.
“Mummy?” Hope whispered, not moving her eyes off the white tiger that stood before her for the first time. Emmie growled in response.
“See Hope, your mummy is a monster, she’ll gobble you all up—”
“The only monster here is you, Will. Can’t you see how afraid she is of you?” Clara yelled.
“Mind your own business, witch.”
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll have you out of here soon.”
Emmie had heard enough, she took a few more steps in her daughter’s direction. Will pointed a finger at her.
“Cruciatus! Stay back.”
The pain that coursed through her took her breath away and sent her backwards, landing hard against the same wall Iris had been captive against only moments ago.
“You sick piece of shit!” Clara shouted and knelt down, stroking her fur.
“Mummy!” Hope cried. “You’re a bad daddy.” She kicked at his shins with her small feet, making every one count. “She’s my mummy.”
He lifted her underneath her armpits, holding her out in front of him.
“Your mother is a whore,” he spat.
“NO!” Hope screamed. “Bad Daddy, let me go.” Her little arms reached for his face.
Suddenly Will’s features changed, his breathing became laboured. “Hope, stop,” he gasped.
“You hurt Mummy and Aunty Iris, you’re a bad, bad Daddy.” Hope carried on. “Now let me go.”
Will dropped her, grasping at his throat, and she ran straight into Dominic’s arms.
“Go to Aunty Iris, sweetheart,” he whispered to her. “You did so good.” He closed the door behind Hope.
Will was still gasping for breath, it seemed the little Vandran had discovered her magic earlier than they had anticipated.
Now it was his turn. Months of rage bubbled to the surface.
This would make what Phil suffered look like a pamper party.
“Contrivisti quid te oporteat.
Mea est enim vita tua captivitatis.
Vengence urere flammis tua sit in anima.”
He chanted over and over.
“For what you have inflicted, you must suffer.
Your life is mine for the taking.
Let the flames of vengeance burn your soul.”
The whites of Will’s eyes were now visible, the power of the spell taking effect immediately. The strangled cries from him made a sinister smile creep onto Dominic’s face; this death was his and his alone, no one would ever hurt his family again and go unpunished. Bringing this sick bastard to his knees while he choked on his own bile, didn’t seem extreme enough for what he had put Amelia through. More rage ripped through him. “Cruciatus!” he spat and felt a sense of enjoyment as blood poured from every orifice, a dark patch forming on the brown carpet beneath him.
He screamed in agony. Dominic gripped the scruff of his collar, lifting him off his feet.
“I can keep this up all day, until you’re begging for death,” he snarled. “Amelia was never unfaithful to you, she didn’t deserve the pain and disloyalty you have inflicted on her. Amelia and Hope are mine now. You took away our child, beat Amelia so badly she nearly died and you have just hurt my friends. I am going to end you and enjoy every second of it. There will be no coming back this time, arsehole.”
He drops him back to the floor.
“Mortiferis!” Bring death.
There’s no more fight, no more crushing of bones, just a heartbeat stopping as Will’s lifeless body falls to the floor. He stands for a minute, taking in the carnage surrounding them.
They would need to let the authorities find his corpse, so Amelia could be completely free from him.
Heather would know how to deal with that matter, right now he needed to hold his girls. Amelia was sitting with her back against the wall, a sheet covering her naked body after her transformation.
He knelt down, cupping her cheek in his hand as he kissed her. Pressing his forehead to hers, he met her tear-filled eyes.
“I love you, my beautiful Tigress.”
“And I love you, my Nicnic.”
This fight was far from over; after the recent events it was more apparent there were more members of his coven than he thought who didn’t agree with his choices.
But after everything they had endured he knew he had found the only people he wanted to help them overcome what they had to face.
He had fiercely loyal friends and a family he never realised he needed until today, and his cold heart had never felt so full.
Three months later
“One more push, Clara, come on, you are doing amazingly. I can see the head… good girl… Breathe, Clara.”
She had been present for hundreds of births, but this had to be the most nerve wracking and not because it was her sister, Clara was doing brilliantly, it was the big, long-haired wolf man who kept scaring the other midwives away with his cursing and snarling at his wife’s discomfort.
As if on cue Clara let out a tiny squeal and Colt, who was busy holding Clara’s hand glared at her; his amber eyes bore into her with warning.
“Can’t you fucking give her something? It can’t be normal that she’s in so much pain,” he growled.
“Colt… let… Emmie… do… her – argh!”
She glared right back at Colt.
“I know you’re worried so I’ll let your tone with me slip, but if you don’t start calming down I will throw you out of this delivery room so help me God.”
Guilt flashed in his eyes and he nodded. The poor guy looked exhausted, sixteen hours in labour was tough on everyone involved; she had seen women go through days before their little bundles decided to grace the world with their presence.
Another big contraction hit Clara again; she ordered Colt to pull her up the bed. She placed her hand on the top of her stomach.
“Now I need you to push, my brave girl, I need to see my little nephew, that’s it.”
The flood gates opened with one massive push and the little one came into the world telling everyone he was here.
She lifted him and placed him against Clara’s chest, her heart bursting with adoration for her baby sister. She kissed her forehead lovingly as she ran her fingers over the little one’s mass of dark hair.
“You beautiful, clever girl, he is perfect. Does Daddy want to cut the cord?”
Colt, who had tears streaming down his face, staring in awe at his wife, looked a little take
n aback at that suggestion.
“I – am I allowed?”
“Of course you are.” She clamped the cord and handed him the sterilised scissors, directing him where to cut.
The next few hours went by in a flash; little Jonah weighed eight pounds six and looked exactly like his daddy, she could tell the little bruiser was going to give them both hell.
She loved her job, but it was exhausting, and after three more deliveries that followed Clara’s she was ready for the end of her shift. She sat at reception waiting for her lift, it was just gone two in the morning. She yawned widely.
“Waiting for me, my beautiful Tigress?”
Dominic’s voice startled her, she hadn’t been expecting to see him until tomorrow; he had been in Amsterdam finalising the opening of the new Perdition there.
She jumped into his embrace and kissed him passionately. They were both breathless when they pulled apart.
“God I’ve missed you, Amelia, so much.”
“I missed you too, handsome. Clara had a little boy, eight pounds and six ounces of pure Brooker. He’s the absolute image of Colt.”
Dominic chuckled. “I bet that wasn’t a pleasant birth, poor Clara,” he chuckled, earning a grin from her.
“She was brilliant, but yeah he was a giant, but the cutest little thing. Hope is going to adore him.”
They shared a knowing sad look between them. One day they would try again but for the moment they were happy just getting to know each other.
Four members of The Domini Bellatorum coven had been caught and dealt with harshly including Fredrick, although they were fully aware there were more followers out there who were not happy with the way things were progressing for their Master. But for now everything seemed quiet, it helped that Dominic had terrified most of his followers with the way he dealt with betrayal; he was ruthless when it came to his business.
She had taken great pleasure in giving Kate her marching orders after a little persuasion from their mother. Terrance had wiped his hands of her after everything; that had hurt her more than the torture inflicted on her. Heather was ruthless when it came to teaching someone a lesson.
“So how long do I we have you home for now, Mr Bellator?” she asked, squeezing his hand as he led her out to his car.
“Well, Ms Vandran, long enough for me to make you scream my name at least three times before the sun rises.” He kissed the back of her hand. “And then tomorrow at noon I have a meeting with Jake to discuss his training for the running of my Amsterdam office.”
He smirked at her flushed cheeks, knowing exactly what had caused her to blush. He kissed her nose and opened her door for her to climb in.
He climbed in next to her and ran his hand up her thigh. Her breath caught in her throat.
“Jake? So, you’re planning on staying home a bit more then?” She couldn’t hide her excitement at this news, but didn’t Sarah say she was offered a job at the club in Amsterdam? Did Dominic know this? How would Jake feel about working in the same club as Sarah? He hadn’t been in contact with her since Clara’s wedding.
“I plan on marrying the hell out of you, Amelia, and making little Bellator babies for us to love as much as we love Hope. I can’t do that if I am out of the country more than I am home now can I?”
Her heart swelled; he was everything she needed and more. She had wasted so much time being scared, it was time to let true love be her guide from now on and trust in the man she knew would always protect her and Hope with his life. She leant over and cupped his cheek, kissing him tenderly.
When she pulled away from him there was raw need in his gaze. His grip tightened on her inner thigh, the touch of his hand was sending little electric currents to her intimate parts; she wanted him right there.
“Dominic, get us home now!”
“Anything for you, my beautiful Tigress.”
Author’s Note
To all my lovely readers, I hope you all enjoyed Emmie and Dominic’s story. This was a tough one for me to write as I had a lot going on personally.
We lost our lovely mum (nan) to cancer at Christmas (FUCK CANCER) so writing this story took me to some dark places, but here it is and I am pleased with how it has all come together.
My mum got to sample some of this story before she passed and I know she was hooked.
I am so happy you have all followed our Vandran clan this far. The next book in this series will be Sarah and Jake’s book; the electricity between them two should make for an interesting story. I would love to hear your feedback.
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Much Love
Anna-Louise xx
About the Author
Anna-Louise Dann lives in the North West of England on The Wirral, which is a stone’s throw away across The Mersey from the city of Liverpool.
Anna-Louise was raised by her grandparents; she is a happily married mother and step-mother to three beautiful children.
She loves creating stories and spent a lot of time as a child writing short stories and poems.
Her love for Fantasy tales came from her grandmother, who used to read Enid Blyton’s The Magic Faraway Tree to her at bedtimes.
As a teenager, she found Mills and Boon novels and always entertained the idea of writing her own novel.
As she grew her tastes in books matured and as well as academic reading she developed a love for Terri-Anne Browning and Bella Jewel’s novels.