Something Familiar (The Vandran Legacy Book 2) Page 10
“I need some water,” she said, and walked to the couch, sitting down. “I knew coming here was going to be hard, but I couldn’t – I wouldn’t keep something like this from you, Dominic, you have as much right to this baby as I do… I don’t feel so good,” she said. Her face was grey and ashen; suddenly she rushed to the wastepaper bin next to the desk, emptying the contents of her stomach into the metal container.
He raced to her side and knelt down, taking her long hair in his big hands, holding it back while she retched.
“Can I get you anything, Amelia? do you need a doctor?” Dominic said, feeling a little out of his depth. He didn’t have the first clue about any of this.
She didn’t take favourably to the mention of a doctor.
“No I don’t need a fucking doctor, I am pregnant, not sick. This little show you just witnessed is only a fraction of what is going to happen to my body over the next nine months… I want you to be in this child’s life, Dominic, but if you can’t handle it I can do it on my own.”
She took some tissues out of her bag and wiped her mouth with them.
“This is a lot to take in, Amelia, I thought we were done. But after what happened between us before, I realised I don’t think I’ll ever be done when it comes to you.”
He picked up the little transparent sealed bag containing the test and looked at it. Amelia sat on the floor watching him intently; he could see the questions buzzing around in her mind. Where did they go from here? He knew exactly where he wanted her, but it was entirely up to her.
“I think you and Hope need to come home,” he said, not lifting his eyes from the test.
Did she just hear him right?
He wanted her to move back in with him?
“Don’t be ludicrous, Dominic, we couldn’t possibly. You hate me for a start and Ho—”
“I don’t hate you, Amelia. Now who’s being ludicrous!” he shouted, and then softened his tone. “You are the most infuriatingly beautiful woman I have ever met. You find it so hard to trust because you live so deeply in the past, that it’s affecting your future happiness. Allow me in, Amelia. Let me show you how happy we can be together. Let me love and worship you like you deserve. Let me be a proper father to the child that you’re carrying inside you. I told you once before; with me you could have everything, it wasn’t lies. I adore you Amelia Jane, more than life.”
Her heart raced in her chest and she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks at his declaration.
“Y-you adore me?” she said, suddenly becoming all too aware she was still sitting on the floor next to a bin full of vomit; the smell was turning her stomach again.
Very sexy, Amelia, well played.
She needed the bathroom.
“You’re killing me here, Amelia. I more than adore you, I love you.”
“I’m going to throw up again. I need the bathroom now!” she said and dived past him for the door.
She managed to get to the toilets just in time as she vomited again. She didn’t know how she could even have anything left inside of her. She didn’t remember being this sick with Hope. And why of all times did it have to start now? She felt so embarrassed. What must he think?
“Amelia, are you OK in there?” Dominic called, he sounded a little panicked.
“I will be, just give me five minutes to get myself cleaned up,” she croaked.
“I’ll wait outside,” he said.
She slumped against the cool wall of the toilet stall, thankful that it was clean. She needed a minute to compose herself before she faced him again. What he had just admitted was like someone had just turned a light on inside of her. She had wasted so much time allowing her pride to win, when she could have been truly happy. A tear escaped, and she brushed it away. Dominic loved her, and she loved him too, more than she thought was possible; they kept on finding their way back to each other no matter what was thrown at them; she had to at least give them a chance.
She knew what she had to do now.
Feeling a lot better now the sickness had passed she pushed herself up off the floor, flushed the chain and exited the toilet. She rinsed her mouth out with water and checked her appearance, surprisingly she didn’t look too bad considering she had spent the last forty-five minutes hurling her guts up. She re-applied her lip gloss and ran her fingers through her nearly straight hair. She smoothed the material of her dress down, feeling ready to face the devastatingly handsome man on the other side of the door.
The sight that greeted her pulled at her heart strings. Dominic was sitting on one of the red couches with his head in his hands. One of his security was standing next to him looking rattled at his boss’s obvious upset. Muscles whispered something to Dominic, whose head immediately lifted.
“Amelia, I was so worried, are you OK?” he said. The emotion in his eyes showed how much her wellbeing mattered to him, it pulled more bricks out of the wall she had built around herself.
“Hey, it’s OK, I am fine, in fact I feel much better now, just a little embarrassed that you had to witness that. Morning sickness takes no prisoners – I don’t know why they call it morning sickness though because it can happen in—”
“Amelia, I am just glad you’re alright. Next time please let me help you, even if it’s just to hold your hair back. I was frantic with worry, I thought you were going to pass out the colour you went before,” he said, interrupting her nervous rant. “What I told you in there, I meant every word. I know you need time, but I won’t give up until you’re mine, Amelia. Knowing you are walking around with my child safe and warm inside you makes me the happiest I have ever been.” His eyes were filled with need, begging her to give him a shot.
“OK Dominic.” She spoke softly.
“What?” His eyes widened.
“I want to be with you too, these last three weeks have been hard but have given me some thinking time. I have been so blinded by the weight I carry in my heart it’s blocked out my ability to get close to anyone, but I really want to try. I can’t promise anything. I know that I feel the same way about you Dominic, I-I love you too,” she said. He pulled her into his arms and nuzzled her neck. He must have sensed she wasn’t comfortable kissing him just yet.
“I have missed you so fucking much, my beautiful Tigress,” he whispered huskily into her hair. She could feel his growing erection against her stomach.
“I’ve missed you too. Have you got somewhere I can freshen up? A spare toothbrush would be appreciated too,” she said, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.
“I have some rooms upstairs. This building used to be a hotel. We kept some of the suites on the upper floors. Come,” he said, taking her hand and leading her back though the hidden doorway.
“Hang on,” she said, pulling out of his grip. “Didn’t that Miles keep Clara up there?” She looked at him quizzically.
“Yes he did, he also was punished and killed quite brutally by her. I have to admit we were rather impressed by what her magic did to his body,” Dominic said, looking genuinely in awe of her little sister’s magic.
“I can’t be up there for long, I want to get back to my mother’s so I can speak to her before she retires for the night.”
The look of disappointment flashed across Dominic’s face.
“As long as I get to call you mine, then I can wait for one more night while you get your affairs in order,” he said, picking up her hand and kissing the back of it. She bit on her bottom lip to stop a moan from escaping.
Oh, sod it. Heather wasn’t expecting her back tonight anyway.
“Let me just make a phone call, you may not have to wait until tomorrow,” she said, not taking her eyes from his lust-filled ones.
“I want you, Dominic,” she mouthed at him.
“Fuck, Amelia, get that phone call made and then I am taking you home,” he growled.
He guided her back into the office and then excused himself.
She pulled out her mobile phone and pressed ‘call’ on Heather’s number.
It rang a few times before cutting out.
She tried it again; it went straight through to voicemail.
She sent her a quick message to let her know she was staying out and she would be back in the morning.
She sent a quick message to Barry thanking him for his services and giving him the rest of the night off, but to pick her up from Dominic’s address tomorrow around 10am. She turned her phone to silent and put it back in her clutch.
She let herself out of the hidden office and back into the club; they had so much wasted time they needed to make up for and she was going to show him she was in this for the long haul. She swallowed down the uneasy feeling she had in her gut; it was just nerves, she reassured her paranoia. Her self-doubt was not going to get in her way of her happiness ever again.
Chapter Nineteen
He had never seen anything more beautiful than the naked woman sprawled out in his massive bed. The perfect curve of her hips and the little blonde hairs that covered her pussy, he could smell how much she desired him; he could happily bury himself in that heavenly scent and feast on her for days. He was insatiable when it came to this woman, he would never get enough. Knowing that she felt the same way drove him to the brink; if he wasn’t careful he would erupt as soon as his painfully erect cock met her pretty pink centre and that would be disastrous for both of them.
He nudged her legs apart and kissed his way up her calf, moving from one to the other until he reached the sacred trophy at the top of her thighs. The little gasps coming from her full parted lips told him she appreciated his exploration of her body.
“Amelia, look at me. Watch me feast on you,” he demanded. Her head lifted up on his command.
As soon as her eyes met his he parted her sex and licked her once. The aqua in her eyes grew more vibrant.
“Dominic, I need you inside me,” she panted; the hunger in her gaze told him she wouldn’t take long; this spurred him on. He licked her again, loving her unique taste. Finding her sensitive clit he flicked it with his tongue, he could feel the tension building in her thighs as her first orgasm of the night descended on her. He added a finger and pumped it into her wetness; this was her undoing. She ground her throbbing pussy against his greedy mouth as she came, shuddering and crying out. He lapped up everything she gave him.
He kissed his way up her body, taking his time to caress her flat stomach where his child grew. He feathered kisses across her abdomen up to her breasts, taking one of her darkened peaks into his mouth and nibbling on it gently.
“Dominic please,” she begged.
He could see the beast within her coming to life. She pulled his head down so his lip met hers and he was lost.
It suddenly turned into a frenzy as they explored each other. Her hands were all over him, driving him insane. Her moans of pleasure told him his hands exploring her curves were welcomed favourably.
He rose above her, her eyes glowed in this light. She was mesmerising; she was his.
Her legs wound around his waist and he entered her slowly, savouring the feeling of being inside her.
“Fuck, Amelia, don’t ever leave me again,” he whispered and drove into her again slowly, making them both moan.
“I won’t. You’re my home, Dominic,” she whispered back, grinding her pelvis against him as she met his stride with hers.
“Fuck!” he roared and he sped up his pace, grabbing her perfect ass in both hands. He made love to her hard and fast; he needed to make up for all the time they had lost. He could feel her tight little body getting ready for another release and he slowed the pace again, wanting to feel everything she gave him. She cried out his name as her orgasm hit; her throbbing walls milked him, squeezing him. This triggered his oncoming release and he pumped his seed into her. The noise that left him was primal, his toes curled with the force of his ejaculation, he shuddered and whispered promises of loving and worshiping her forever.
Amelia belonged to him.
The urge to pee woke her from the best sleep she’d had in forever. Warm arms surrounded her, she could feel Dominic’s shallow breathing against her hair as he slept soundly; the obvious effect she was having on him against her ass made her body come to life again. She would never tire of having this man inside her.
Her bladder reminded her again of why she was awake. She wiggled free, carefully trying not to disturb him. Finding his shirt at the foot of the bed she put it on and buttoned it up to cover her naked body.
She padded to the bathroom to relieve herself. After she was done she washed her hands and quietly entered his big bedroom again. The blackout curtains in Dominic’s room made it impossible to know what time it was, she wondered if Heather had texted back. It was unusual for Heather to not answer her phone; maybe she was busy entertaining Hope or had fallen asleep.
The uneasy feeling started again in Emmie’s gut; she needed to find her phone.
She grabbed her clutch bag which had been dropped on the floor in their enthusiastic lovemaking last night; taking her phone, out she unlocked it and checked for calls, nothing.
It was just gone five, too early to call anyone.
She had to get to Heather’s, the feeling that something was wrong was playing heavy on her mind. She shouldn’t have stayed here last night.
She looked over to Dominic; he looked so peaceful laying on his stomach and hugging his pillow. She didn’t want to wake him, but she knew she couldn’t leave again without telling him.
She got dressed quickly and sent a quick text to Barry asking him to meet her at Dominic’s in half an hour.
She placed her phone back into her clutch and crawled across the bed to Dominic.
“Hey, sleepy head,” she said in a hushed voice, brushing his hair with her palm. “I need to go home but I’ll be back later with some things.”
His eyes opened slowly. “What time is it?” he asked, sitting up.
“It’s about five-fifteen. Barry should be here soon,” she said. He sat up looking dishevelled and rather pissed off.
“Amelia it’s too early, come back to bed. Tell Barry I’ll take you later, I insist,” he demanded.
She didn’t want to tell him the real reason she was going.
“No Dominic, I need to get back before Hope wakes up. Look, I’ll make it up to you tonight, OK?”
His face softened.
“You’re coming home?” She could read the excitement in his eyes.
“I am,” she said, and he pulled her to him, nuzzling her neck.
Twenty minutes later she was in the back of Barry’s car and on her way back to Heather’s.
They hadn’t been driving long when her phone vibrated with an incoming message.
She pulled it out of her clutch bag expecting a text from Dominic. It was from a number she didn’t recognise. What she saw turned her stomach.
It was a picture message of Hope’s bedroom in Heather’s house. The bed was empty but there was writing on the wall above it in blood. It read:
Next thing she knew a car came out of nowhere and slammed into the side of them. She screamed. The force of it tipped them over; she banged her head against the window hard, making her head spin and the darkness dragged her in.
Chapter Twenty
She woke almost instantly; a pain shot thought the side of her face where she had banged it only seconds ago. The car was upside-down, she was held in place by her seat belt.
“Are you alright Ms Stewart?” Barry croaked from the front of the car.
“Will is back, he’s back and he’s taken Hope and hurt Heather. My beast wants out, Bar-argh!”
She unclipped her seatbelt as her beast ripped through her, taking no prisoners, tearing at her flesh as if it was paper.
She wasted no time in exiting the overturned car and started sprintin
g in the direction of Heather’s house, determined to create some carnage.
She was furious, there was no stopping her now, that sick bastard wasn’t taking their daughter anywhere.
Her beast covered fast ground; she wasn’t sure if it was the magic coursing through her or her rage that made her big paws thud fast against the pavement as she contacted her sister.
“Clara, can you hear me?”
“Emmie, are you OK?”
“No, I am not. Get to Heather’s now, take Colt. Will is back, he has Hope and I think he might have hurt Heather.”
“Fuck. Emmie, where are you?”
“I’ll be there soon. My beast decided to make an appearance. Don’t worry about me, just get to Heather’s quickly, she may need your magic.”
“Be careful, Emmie.”
“You too, sis.”
Twenty minutes later she was mounting the steps to her mother’s home; the door was wide open. She burst in snarling, ready for battle. She was met with an eerie silence.
She sniffed the air and growled deep in her throat, there was someone still here; a scent of the cologne she recognised well. Will.
She knew he would be aware of her presence, she hadn’t exactly been quiet when she came in. She bounded up the stairs and hurried down the large landing to Hope’s room, trying to avoid the smashed glass from the broken picture frames all over the carpet and blood stains across the walls and floor; someone had been dragged, it was like a scene from a horror movie. Her heart sunk, panic threatening to surface, but she knew she had to keep moving. A whimpering made her halt in her tracks. It was coming from Heather’s room. She padded as quietly as possible towards the noise, pushing the handle down with her big paw. The door swung open.