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Something Familiar (The Vandran Legacy Book 2) Page 9

  “Keep this meeting between us. I’ll see you very soon, Simon.” He took Joe’s hand. “Pleasure as always, Joe, I’ll phone you tomorrow.”

  Dominic walks out of the bar, thanking Joseph on his way. He can feel the eyes of all the familiars in the room on his back as he exits the bar and mounts his motorcycle.

  He needs some thinking time. He has lived in the dark for so long, it’s time for him to wake up. It’s becoming more apparent there are more of his coven involved in this than he first thought.

  Chapter Sixteen


  The edge of the porcelain bathtub cooled her sweaty palms as she sat waiting for the home pregnancy test to clarify her suspicions. She had waited three weeks; she knew what it was going to read but she had to make sure her body wasn’t just playing tricks on her.

  How could she have been so careless? It was so out of character for her; the stress of the last year had taken its toll on her state of mind.

  She hadn’t seen much of Heather in the fortnight she and Hope had been here, she got the impression her mother was avoiding her. She hadn’t exactly been nice to Heather when they first got here. She knew her mother had hers and her daughter’s best interests at heart, but she couldn’t stop the anger that built inside every time Heather opened her mouth, they clashed. Clara had said it was because they were so alike, even if that was the case she wasn’t ready to open herself up, she couldn’t get past her abandonment issues, it hung over them like a dark cloud. So, they had stayed out of each other’s way. Heather spent most of her time in her study with the door firmly closed.

  Emmie looked at her watch.

  It was time.

  She picked up the little plastic stick that carried the answer that could potentially change her whole life. She turned it over in her shaking fingers; tears formed in her eyes and blurred her vision as she took in the second red line in the little window; it was only faint, but it was there.

  She placed her other hand protectively on her flat stomach.

  “I promise, I’ll do everything to keep you safe, little one,” she whispered. Big tears rolled down her cheeks.

  She knew Dominic would have to be informed as soon as possible, he was just as much a part of this baby as she was; no matter how much he hated her he would want to know.

  Her heart ached with missing him; she didn’t deserve his love after the way she had treated him the last time they were in the same room together; this was going to be one of the hardest things she ever had to do.

  She decided she would swallow her stupid pride, go to Perdition tonight and see if he would speak to her. After the way they had left things she wasn’t a hundred percent she would even be allowed past the front door, or when she did tell him about the little life growing inside her, how he would receive such news. If he told her to go to hell she only had herself to blame.

  She placed the test back on the counter and buried her face in her now free hand, keeping the other pressed against her stomach affectionately. This baby would be surrounded by so much love that even if Dominic didn’t want to be part of this, she knew she could cope without him.

  She splashed her face with cold water and placed the test back into the box and into her handbag.

  She left the bathroom and made her way through the bedroom and down the hall to Hope’s room, she needed a cuddle from her little girl, she needed to feel anything but this constant sinking feeling she’d been carrying around.

  She was surprised to find Heather in there with Hope. Heather was sitting cross-legged on Hope’s bed wearing her pyjamas; she had Hope tucked into her side as she read her a story. They looked so cute together, she had to admit Heather was brilliant with her little girl. For a woman who seemed to have little patience for anything she was a natural at taking care of Hope. Was this what she was like as a mother? She really couldn’t remember a lot of their childhood before they were adopted. Maybe she needed to start getting over things and giving Heather a chance. Hope obviously loved her a lot and from what she could see the feeling was more than mutual.

  Heather finished the chapter she was reading and looked up; she must have seen something in Emmie’s expression because her brow furrowed, concern flashed across her face. She looked at Hope, her expression was warm and welcoming.

  “Do you think you can pick a movie to watch, pretty girl? Nana Heather will be back in a minute to watch it with you; I just need to talk to your mummy, OK?”

  Hope nodded eagerly.

  “OK Nana,” she said, jumping off the bed and grabbing the remote control for the TV.

  Heather took Emmie’s arm and led her down the hall to the master bedroom. Emmie didn’t argue; she was close to breaking she could feel the familiar ball of emotion building and her eyes burned with more tears.

  When they reached the room, Heather closed the door behind them and pulled her into a tight embrace, wrapping her arms around her.

  “I’m pregnant,” Emmie sobbed into Heather’s shoulder.

  “I know, my darling, I could sense the change in you last week, but I needed you to figure it out on your own. It’s all going to be OK. I am here for you, Amelia Jane, I promise. Whatever you need I am here. You are an amazing mum; that little girl in there is proof of that, this child will be just as loved. I am sorry I wasn’t around for you when you girls were growing up, but, I will be now if you’ll allow me. Please let me show you how much you mean to me, I love you my beautiful daughter, more than life.” She could hear the tears in Heather’s voice as she spoke.

  Was this it? Was this the breakthrough they both needed to overcome everything? She hoped so. She held on to her like her life depended on it, allowing her body language to speak for her. She wasn’t ready to say the words just yet, she needed to process everything first. After a while she released Heather and wiped at her eyes. Something felt different between them now, an unspoken connection between mother and child. She smiled at her, a genuine, warm and welcoming smile.

  “Can you look after Hope for me tonight and get one of your security to take me to Perdition? I need to tell the father. He needs to know.”

  Understanding flashed in Heather’s eyes and she nodded once.

  “Whatever you need, Amelia, from what I’ve seen that man is besotted with you. Just be careful with your heart, my darling, he is still a Bellator,” Heather said, touching Emmie’s cheek lovingly.

  “I will, thank you Hea— er, Mum. And thanks for watching Hope for me,” Emmie said.

  “It’s my pleasure, sweetheart. Now what are you wearing later? You need to make him see what he’s been missing. I think I have the perfect dress for you.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  The light royal blue pencil dress clung to her body like a second skin. She had loosely curled her naturally platinum hair but knew the curls wouldn’t last long in her poker-straight locks before they dropped out. She finished the look by applying her tinted red lip gloss; her make-up was light and gave her usual pale complexion a soft glow, she was quite impressed with her effort as she hardly ever applied any make-up. She slipped her feet into her black heels and picked up her black clutch.

  Checking herself in the mirror, she didn’t recognise the woman staring back at her, she looked fierce, like she meant business. Heather had excellent taste in clothes.

  She walked down the hall to Hope’s room and entered. Hope and Heather were in the middle of the Disney movie Frozen. Heather was engrossed, which amused Emmie; a smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth and she had to supress a small chuckle.

  Hope’s little face lit up when she saw her.

  “Pretty Mummy, can I wear my party dress too?”

  “Oh Amelia, you are stunning,” Heather said, a look of awe on her face. “That dress looks so much better on you than me.”

  Was she joking? Heather could pull off a bin bag, she was unbelievably gorgeous. Emmie had always thought of herself as plain.

  Emmie smiled shyly; she wasn’t goo
d at accepting compliments.

  “Thanks,” she said, and kneeled down to address Hope.

  “I will let you put your princess dress on tomorrow and you can keep it on all day. It’s nearly sleepy time, sweetheart. You’ll be a good girl for Nana, won’t you?” she said, pulling her in for a cuddle and kissing her forehead.

  “Yep, I will. You’re pretty, Mummy. Can I have lipstick like you?”

  Emmie pulled her lip gloss out of her clutch and applied some to Hope’s plump little pout.

  “There we go, we’ll paint your nails tomorrow too,” Emmie said, planting another kiss on her cheek. “Love you, Hopey Wopey,” she said, earning a giggle.

  “Lub you, Mommy Wommy,” Hope said, pulling tongues at her as she left the room.

  Heather followed her out and inspected her.

  “He’s going to pop a vein when he sees you in this dress. Be brave, my darling girl, and whatever happens you are going to be fine. If you need me, just call. I doubt you’ll be back tonight though, looking like that,” Heather said with a smirk.

  “Sleeping with him, will only complicate an already messed up situation,” Emmie said, worrying her bottom lip.

  “If it happens it happens, I don’t think he’s going to be able to keep his hands to himself though. Good luck sweetheart, and don’t worry about Hope, we’re going to have some much-needed girl time.”

  Heather kissed her on the cheek and left her to walk downstairs to meet Barry, the driver and security guard for tonight.

  She climbed into the back of the black Mercedes-Benz and stared out of the window, her mind going over everything she needed to say when she saw Dominic. She just prayed he wasn’t too pissed off at her just showing up unannounced.

  They pulled up outside the club forty-five minutes later. The long drive hadn’t helped her nerves. It was a build-up of anticipation. She re-applied her lip gloss, Barry opened the door for her and she exited. Considering she had forgotten her shrug, she felt warm.

  “I’ve had orders to come inside with you, Ms Stewart,” Barry said as he held the door for her.

  “OK Barry, thank you. I doubt you’ll be able to enter Dominic’s office and I am not sure how long I will be.”

  “That’s OK, Ms Stewart. I will be available as your security until you dismiss me.”

  She got to the entrance; two big mean-looking men stood guard, monitoring who came in and out, checking IDs and patting people down. They were both familiars.

  The biggest one eyed her up favourably as she approached until he spotted Barry behind her. Barry was a familiar too, a pretty powerful one from what Heather had said.

  “Good evening, miss. Can I see your ID?”

  “She pulled her driving licence out of her clutch and handed it over.

  “Is Dominic in tonight?” she asked.

  “He is, but I doubt he’ll want to be disturbed,” the big guy said, looking amused. She wasn’t in the mood for a back and forth with this guy.

  “Can you get someone to phone up and tell him Amelia is here and wants a quick word?” she said, squaring her shoulders at him. His face dropped at the mention of her name.

  “Of course, ma’am. I apologise for my abruptness, I didn’t realise who you were. Please wait inside, I will send him a message straight away.”

  She frowned at the big idiot’s sudden change of attitude and the look of embarrassment on his face.

  Had Dominic been expecting her?

  She walked in. “Barry is my security, he needs to come in as well.” She was impressed with how much authority her voice held.

  “No problem Ms Stewart, please make yourself comfortable on one of the sofas in the foyer, can I get you any refreshments?”

  She could get used to this.

  “No thanks, just let Dominic know I’m here.”

  She felt him before she spotted him walking through the double doors; his overbearing presence left her insides in utter chaos. She watched his hard features take in her appearance, the slight twitch in his jaw told her he appreciated what he saw. He didn’t smile, the expression on his face wasn’t welcoming.

  She had made a mistake turning up here.

  “Amelia.” His voice was cool and impersonal, it was like he was addressing a business associate or a distant acquaintance.

  “Dominic, I apologise for just showing up here but what I’ve come to say can’t be done in an email or over the phone. I know I am probably the last person you wanted to see, I promise I won’t take up too much of your time… I know you’re busy.”

  He ran his hand through his hair; she noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the pained look in their depths. He was struggling with something. She knew right then and there what that was; their time apart had affected him just as much as it had her and he was putting on a hard front to save his pride.

  I’m so sorry, Dominic.

  After the most uncomfortable walk through the club with Dominic looking like he wanted to tell her where to go, she contemplated not telling him about the baby; but the stab of guilt that racked through her every time that thought crossed her mind was enough for her to silently chastise herself. She had to do this; he had a right to know.

  Dominic had ordered Barry to wait in reception for her. Of course Barry, who only took orders from Heather or her for tonight, had a few choice words of his own to throw at the angry-looking warlock; so there had been some testosterone slung around before she had intervened telling Barry to wait at the bar upstairs and relax for a bit. She would contact him when she was ready to leave. The distain on Dominic’s face told her he hadn’t appreciated being emasculated by her, but she didn’t care, he didn’t own her, and he certainly didn’t order around someone who was there for her protection. The storm brewing in his dark blue eyes had given her the impression it was jealousy that had fuelled Dominic’s little outburst; that thought sent her ego into overdrive.

  Did he still desire her after everything?

  She certainly desired him. The dampness between her legs and the butterflies in her stomach were proof of that. This was going to be harder than she anticipated.

  He led her through the V.I.P area. She hated this room, it was full of arrogant-looking dickheads who had more money than sense. She had a couple of appreciative glances her way, but they wouldn’t act on it, not if they valued their dicks still intact anyway. She worried for the girls. She knew they were protected, Dominic had them heavily guarded, but the way those men sleazed and drooled over them made her skin crawl. They were all young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters.

  Dominic led her through a concealed door and into a large white entrance way with a lift at the end.

  “This way, Ms Stewart,” he said, his tone void of any affection as he pulled out a key and opened another concealed doorway which led into an office.

  “Please take a seat, can I get you some wine?” he asked, always the host.

  “No thank you,” she said, taking a seat on the large black couch. Her feet were killing her in these heels. Dominic leant against the edge of the big desk that was on the opposite side of the room and watched her.

  “Why are you here, Amelia?”

  She saw it then, the pain in his eyes; he was putting on an act for her and she could clearly see right through it. The words, the explanation stuck in her throat. She felt light headed, she needed out of here.

  “I shouldn’t have come, I need to leave.” She stood, thankful that her shaking legs held her. “I’m sorry I wasted your time,” she mumbled, avoiding his face that looked like he was going to murder someone. “Good evening, Dominic.”

  She was about to grab the handle when she was mercifully turned and slammed into the wall Dominic’s big body held her captive as his gorgeous mouth descended onto her parted lips roughly. She moaned at the assault and kissed him back, dropping her clutch bag in the frenzy of getting to taste him again. She gripped his hair, deepening the kiss.

  “Fuck, Amelia, I’ve missed this, you,” h
e whispered against her swollen lips as he nibbled his way across her jaw and onto her neck. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her stomach, reminding her of the reason she was here.

  “Dominic, I’m pregnant.”

  He stiffened in her arms and recoiled away from her.

  Shit, no going back now.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Amelia was here, she had kissed him back, she couldn’t hide the need in her gaze. His scalp still tingled from the assault her torturous fingers had just inflicted. She had been eye fucking him since he stormed into reception; he hadn’t been expecting her to look like she had, his body had responded instantly, she was unbelievably gorgeous. He thought he was doing right by giving her time apart from him. He had been so wrong, it had been hell. Now she was standing before him looking sinfully sexy in a tight blue dress that hugged every beautiful curve, telling him she was pregnant.


  He released his grip from her hips and took a step back.


  He saw the fear in her eyes; had she known three weeks ago? Is that why she had refused to give her blood?

  “How long?” he said. He sounded angrier than he’d wanted but he didn’t care at this moment.

  “I took a test today,” she said and pushed away from the wall to retrieve her clutch bag from the floor. Was she planning on running away after dropping this bomb?

  “You’re not leaving this room until we’ve spoken about this, Amelia.” He spoke with authority, a voice that he often used when addressing his men. He regretted it as he watched her whole body stiffen. She turned to face him; her eyes were more aqua than they were before, he knew she was pissed off.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are? If I want to leave, you will not hold me prisoner,” she roared and stooped down to grab her clutch bag and unclipped the latch to open it. “And for your information I wasn’t planning on running away, I was retrieving this.” She thrust a little plastic bag at him containing the pregnancy test.